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Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral Artery Disease services offered in Chino and Pomona, CA

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) affects the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the extremities, which can lead to tissue death and limb amputation. The skilled physicians at Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire located in Chino, California, diagnose and treat PAD. Call the office today or book an appointment online to learn more about PAD and treatment options. 

Peripheral Artery Disease Q & A

What should I know about Peripheral Artery Disease?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is the narrowing or blockages in the arteries that provide oxygen-rich blood and nutrients from the heart to the arms and legs. This may cause leg pain while walking (claudication). If left untreated, poor blood flow may lead to irreversible tissue damage. 

The narrowing occurs from a buildup of plaque, fat deposits, cholesterol, and other substances along the blood vessel walls. This is a condition called atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the arteries. PAD may affect any of the blood vessels outside of the heart but most often affects the arteries in the legs. 

I have hardening of the arteries. Am I at risk of peripheral artery disease?

If you have hardening of the arteries or coronary artery disease (CAD), then you’re at risk of PAD. Other risk factors include:

  • Tobacco use
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Family history of PAD or CAD
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Obesity
  • Eating foods high in saturated fat (cheese, red meat)

Something to note: the biggest risk factor for PAD is Tobacco use, which increases the risk for PAD by 400%.  Additionally, 80% of people with PAD are current or former smokers.

What are the symptoms of peripheral artery disease?

Symptoms of peripheral artery disease include:

  • A burning or aching pain in your feet and toes while resting, especially at night while lying flat.
  • Coldness or numbness in your feet or toes
  • Leg pain after walking short distances
  • Redness or other color changes of your skin.
  • More frequent skin and soft tissue infections (usually in your feet or legs).
  • Toe and foot sores that don’t heal

When should I schedule an evaluation for peripheral artery disease?

If you have PAD risk factors, you should schedule an evaluation for PAD at Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire. Not everyone with PAD has symptoms. For many people, symptoms won’t appear until their artery narrows by 60% or more. Early detection of PAD is important so you can begin the right treatments before the disease becomes severe enough to lead to more serious complications like a heart attack or stroke.

You should also schedule an appointment with a specialist if you have leg pain when exercising or walking. This type of pain is called claudication and is one of the primary symptoms of PAD. 

Your provider conducts a thorough history and physical exam and performs tests to confirm or rule out PAD, such as a vascular ultrasound or ankle-brachial index (ABI), an in-office test that compares blood pressure in the arms and legs. 

What are the treatments for peripheral artery disease?

Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire is a full-service vascular specialist practice providing complete care needed to manage PAD. Treatment depends on the severity of the disease but may include:

  • Smoking cessation
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Weight management
  • Improving control of other health conditions

In severe cases, the Pearl Cardio-Vascular of Inland Empire experts perform revascularization procedures to remove blockages and restore blood flow. 

Call the friendly staff today or schedule your PAD evaluation online. 

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